Shogunzuka Seiryuden Temple

31 Nanzenji Kusagawa-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto-fu

The beginnings of ancient Kyoto

According to legend, Seiryuden Temple, perched upon Mt. Higashiyama in eastern Kyoto, is where the story of this ancient city began.

With the completion of the sprawling observation deck in 2015, this relatively unknown spot offers unrivaled panoramic views. It is no surprise that Emperor Kammu came to this very location in the mid-eighth century to inspect the site for his proposed new capital. Satisfied by what he saw, Kammu ordered Kyoto's construction in 794.

The temple is best accessed by local subway, or by taxi from Kyoto Station

Shogunzuka and Shorenin Temple are in the northeast part of central Kyoto. The quickest way to access to Shogunzuka is to take a taxi. It is approximately 20 minutes from Kyoto Station , or five minutes from Keage Station on the subway Tozai Line.

You can access a trail from the back of Chionin Temple (next to Shorenin), and the mostly uphill hike takes about 30 minutes.